We found 3 episodes of Office Hours with the tag “whisper”.
23: Bleeding the Feed
February 17th, 2023 | 59 mins 3 secs
100w power delivery, alby, andreas antonopolous, chrislas, firehose: on., jupiter broadcasting, leo laporte, member feeds, mere mortals podcast, monero, office hours, openai, patreon, peertube, pine dock, pine64, pinecil, pinepower, podcasting 2.0, podcasts, podping, power adaptors, thunderbolt 4 usb-c hub, usb-c charger, usb-c dock, usb-c hub, v4v, v4v streaming, vosk, whisper
We throw Office Hours into the middle of our biggest beta test yet!
22: Running with Flaming Chainsaws
February 3rd, 2023 | 1 hr 9 mins
blubrry support, chrislas, jupiter broadcasting, new partnership between alby and blubrry, new test feed, office hours, patreon mismanagement, podcast index, podcasting 2.0, podverse, sovereign feeds, transcriptions, webvtt, whisper
We blow the lid off a secret project and get LIT.
16: Sats Over Snake Oil
November 11th, 2022 | 1 hr 14 mins
altcoins, chrislas, coffee in that nebula, crypto crash, fountain.fm, jupiter broadcasting, jupiter-search, lbc, lbry, lighting, mere mortals, office hours, openai, opml, p2p, peertube, podcasting 2.0, podverse, sec, shitcoins, snipd, speech recognition, transcription, whisper
Why LBRY was never going to win, and how they have just screwed all crypto. And a new feature in the works for our listeners by our listeners.