We found 2 episodes of Office Hours with the tag “user error”.
29: Let's Play Doctor
May 12th, 2023 | 1 hr 8 mins
beer is tasty, bsd now, castablasta, choose linux, chrislas, computer action show, culture, fauxshow, friday, gaming, howto linux, in depth look, jb independence, joint failures, jupiter broadcasting, jupiter@nite, legend of the stoned owl, linux, linux action show, merger, mmorgue, office hours, plan b, rover log, scibyte, science, stoked, tech, tech talk today, techsnap, torked, user error, women’s tech radio, work life rv
We look back at some classic JB shows and chat about why they ended.
13: One Long Monday
September 30th, 2022 | 59 mins 57 secs
alby, bitrefill, chrislas, fire, fountain, geocaching, grant's pass, grease fire, grilling, jpl, jupiter broadcasting, meetups, office hours, open source, podverse, poop blender, road trip, sacramento, sat steaks, satoshi squares, user error, value for value
We get you caught up on one heck of a trip.