We found 2 episodes of Office Hours with the tag “transcriptions”.
22: Running with Flaming Chainsaws
February 3rd, 2023 | 1 hr 9 mins
blubrry support, chrislas, jupiter broadcasting, new partnership between alby and blubrry, new test feed, office hours, patreon mismanagement, podcast index, podcasting 2.0, podverse, sovereign feeds, transcriptions, webvtt, whisper
We blow the lid off a secret project and get LIT.
4: Finding Our Squeaky Wheels
May 13th, 2022 | 1 hr 7 mins
bluewallet, boosts, carplay, chrislas, facebook podcasts, fountain.fm review, github actions, jupiter broadcasting, memberships, mumble, namespace, office hours, opus, podcasting 2.0, project mistakes, sovereign feeds, sovereignfeeds, static website generator, strike, transcriptions, value for value
We've made some essential decisions for our big projects, what really has us excited about Podcasting 2.0, and the real problem with Boosts.